Prayer 6:49 is a prayer initiative of Kenyan Schools of Hope and the Ewuaso Osiligi Center (EOC) that aims to build a network of people around the world who will pray regularly for God to work through this ministry and in the lives of the rescued girls, their families and communities, and the staff who support them.


Each evening the rescued girls at the EOC gather for devotions and prayer. They have set aside Thursdays, in particular, to pray for the ministry, their sponsors, and the many people who support the center and serve in various ways. We invite you to join hands with us in prayer whenever you pray, but especially in real time on Thursdays at 6:49 p.m. Kenya time/10:49 a.m. CDT when the girls are praying for you. Together we can lift up the EOC and the rescued girls before the Lord.


"Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."  Hebrews 4:16

Let us know where you are praying by completing this short Google form and watch the network grow as we capture your answers on a Google map. Either scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the map or go directly to the Google map.

Prayer requests

Give thanks to the Lord that He has provided sponsors for the 80+ girls in our care, for His many blessings, and for providing for the ministry.


Please also pray for:

  • The girls and the other students to be freed from all of their fears (Psalm 34:4),
  • The angel of the Lord to surround and defend the girls (Psalm 34:7),
  • These God-fearing girls to lack nothing they need (Psalm 34:9),
  • The school and rescue center—that they would be a beacon of hope for the students and the surrounding communities, with many coming to know Jesus as their Savior,
  • Favorable and speedy rulings for all rescued girls awaiting placement at the EOC and people to sponsor them,
  • God to guide the EOC and KSOH boards as they make decisions for the ministry, especially as they make plans for the first girls who are graduating from high school and transitioning to university or vocational school and more independent living,
  • Continued progress on the multipurpose building and safety for all who work on the project,
  • Sustainability for the ministry, including funding, establishment of an endowment, and reliable food and water,
  • Catherine (Director) and the EOC Board, especially for strength and guidance to handle all the tasks and needs of the EOC,
  • God to strengthen and guide the people worshiping at the rescue center and the new congregation established at Mai Mahiu,
  • Peace in Kenya and for resolution of the current social unrest (July 2024 newsletter article), and
  • Rain to continue in the Ewuaso area and for recovery from the long, severe drought (2020-2023) and the floods that followed in 2024. High inflation in Kenya continues to impact families, communities, and the center as well. (May 2024 newsletter article)