Hear their stories

Approximately 70% of young Maasai girls undergo FGM, even though it is prohibited by law. They are then married off, often as a second or third wife to an older man. The reasons these practices remain are varied—possibility of a dowry, poverty, a rite of passage, tradition. During times of drought and high inflation, more girls are cut and married off, often because families cannot afford to feed them.

Each girl has a unique story but faces a similar plight. In the midst of these struggles, KSOH stands as a beacon of hope and offers refuge for these girls as well as excellent education for them and for boys and girls from the surrounding communities.


In 2020, Annie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in her village at the age of 13. Soon after, she was married off to an older man in her community.

Not long after entering into her marriage, her husband became physically abusive. Fearing for her and her daughter's safety, she fled from the marriage and from the community. She sought out the help of the local chief, who facilitated her rescue and brought her to the rescue center. 

Annie now is in her sophomore year of high school, or "Form 2" as it is called in Kenya. She is thriving at the rescue center while her daughter is in the care of her mother in a nearby village. She is full of joy and hope, now that she lives in the safety of knowing she is no longer at risk of child marriage. 

April 2024


Samantha was rescued in 2018 and was among the first rescued girls at the center.

As her father was unable to be at home, she was left in the care of her grandmother who, being old in age, struggled to care for her. When school fees became a challenge, her inconsistencies put her at risk of dropping out, and dropping out in the Maasai community, would then put her at risk of FGM and child marriage. 

Fearing for her safety, she was ultimately brought to the rescue center.  Today, Samantha is thriving in school!  She loves to dance and enjoys having visitors at the rescue center and playing football. 

Now in eighth grade, she is preparing to continue her education into high school.  Her father is currently able to visit her often and is a committed parent. Samantha dreams of one day becoming a nurse and with her determination and efforts in school, we know she will go far!

March 2024


Jacky was rescued in January 2024. She is seven years old, in second grade and was raised in rural Kenya. She has been under the care of her 80-year-old great grandmother, as her mother is unable to care for her. 

Jacky’s aunt had been trying to take care of Jackline together with her brother, her mother, the great grandmother and her own children, even while she was unemployed. With the heavy burden, Jacky was at risk of undergoing FGM and child marriage. 

Jacky is among the 18 girls who were rescued in January 2024 and brought to the rescue center. She is a very bright girl in school and is willing to learn. Her calmness stands out! So far, she enjoys playing with her peers in the center. She dreams of one day being a teacher.

February 2024


Shannon joined the Osiligi family in 2018 as a fourth grader. She was born and raised in Ewuaso,  the first born in a family of five children. Shannon's parents had been having domestic issues for quite a long time. The disputes were often solved amicably for quite some time, but it bore no fruits. Eventually her mother left the marriage, and her father remarried. After being abused by her stepmother, her case was reported and she was brought to the rescue center.


Just like her Maasai name, "Nashipae," which means happiness, she is a very happy and kind girl, with a popping dimple on her right cheek.

"I am always certain that I will eat, drink and learn when I am here. Back at home, there was no certainty of learning as I was always being sent home for school fees."

Her favorite memory is when she was baptized and confirmed last year in 2023. Since being at the rescue center, she has joined the school football team and enjoys dancing. She aspires to be a journalist in the future!

Please join us in praying for Shannon as she begins high school and works towards accomplishing her goals!

January 2024


Class: Grade 7

Age: 13 years old

Date of Admission: January 18, 2024

Sylvia is the youngest in her family of nine siblings. Her father is very violent and brutal man. After he lost all his cattle to the drought last year, her father made it very clear to Sylvia that he planned to give her out for marriage. In the Maasai community, females are perceived as a source of wealth so that they are married off for the families to gain wealth through a dowry. In this case, Sylvia’s father, after losing cattle, wanted to give Sylvia out for child marriage. Sylvia’s mother was not in favor of his plan and wanted Sylvia to continue with her education.

Sylvia’s brother reached out to a young man who was an advocate for rescuing girls in their community, and informed him of his father's marriage plans for Sylvia. The young man contacted their area chief, who then rescued Sylvia. Thankfully, Sylvia was hosted by the young man’s  family weeks before she actually was rescued because of her high risk of Forced Early Marriage (FEM). Her case was brought to the attention of Catherine Wangari by a children officer and now is rescued at the Ewuaso Osiligi Center.


Pauline was a normal high school girl in Kenya... until she wasn't. Being the last born of three children, her school fees were beginning to become a challenge. She was sent home from school, due to the lack of school fees, more often than not. As time progressed, gaps in her classroom attendance continued and she struggled to maintain her education.

Fed up with the situation, her stepbrothers decided that child marriage was the best option as the family was struggling to make ends meet. Pauline pleaded to the area chief who refused his help and she was quietly married off. 

In the first year of her marriage, she worked jobs in hopes to be able to pay for and finish her own education. She was unable to complete her schooling because she became pregnant. She gave birth to a healthy baby girl in December 2021. 

After many twists and turns, including running away and being forced to return to her husband, a medical team intervened on her behalf and began the rescue process. Her daughter remained in her older sister's care.

Pauline is thriving in school. Although she has had to miss some classes for medical treatment, her teachers are so impressed by her hard work and her performance! Over the last school break, Pauline was able to be reunited with her daughter and to remind herself what she is working toward... a better future for her and her daughter. 

October 2023

Answering a Different Call

Sarah was rescued and brought to the rescue center in 2019 after running away from forced child marriage. She started her education again at the Ewuaso Osiligi School after being rescued and finished her junior secondary learning (8th grade) and prepared to go to high school.

However, after entering high school, she realized that traditional education was not a great fit for her. Her grades were dropping, and she realized her heart was not in it. Instead, she wanted to pursue a vocational school to become a dressmaker and tailor. This made a lot of sense to everyone in Kenya, as she was always helping the school tailor and other girls with minor adjustments to their own clothes. 

Sarah felt called in a different direction and this year, that became a reality! She began vocational college in May and was happy to report with some of her creations after her first term.

Because of your help, girls like Sarah are now pursuing a passion that can help establish their futures! Thanks be to God for her progress and for your support.

August 2023


Hannah is 15 years old and in 7th grade. She was rescued in 2019 and has lived at the Ewuaso Osiligi Rescue Center ever since. She comes from a community a few hours away from the center. 

When her mother passed away during childbirth, she was forced to drop out of school in order to take care of her six siblings. She helped raise her siblings for three years and then desired to return to school. However, her father refused. She had grown older and in the Maasai tribe, was considered close to becoming a woman. He instead wanted her to undergo FGM and be married off at 11 years old, which was encouraged by her step mother. 

It was another woman in the family, another wife of her father, that raised the alarm when the plans became known amongst the adults. She sought help from the area chief, who rescued Hannah. 

Hannah is bubbly, outgoing and full of hope for the future. She has grown in confidence, in faith, and physically since arriving four years ago. “I came to the center when I was 11 years old but I was unable to join fourth grade because I couldn’t read or write. Now, I can read and write in Swahili and English. I can express myself!” 

Hannah is passionate about being a truth-teller and showing compassion to others. She dreams of one day becoming an accountant. 

SUsan & Emily

Following the death of Susan's father, her mother remarried. Susan's life at the young age of 12 changed forever. Her stepfather planned to take her to undergo female genital mutilation (FGM) in preparation for marriage. Susan feared for her future and bravely ran away from home to her older sister's home. Thankfully, her brother, sympathetic to Susan’s desire to continue her education, alerted the Education Office, and they brought her to the Ewuaso Osiligi Center. Susan found refuge and hope at the center and is now doing well in high school.

In another village, Emily and her sister fended for themselves and frequently faced hunger while their parents were away working. Despite suffering parental neglect for years, Emily managed to go to school, walking three hours each day. When her sister gave birth to a baby, Emily stayed home to care for the baby while her sister continued to go to school, which put her at even greater risk of FGM and forced early marriage. Her parents also discussed sending her to work as house help. Either path led to a life of servitude with no hope of further education. Thankfully, local officials learned of her situation, and at the tender age of eight, Emily was referred to Ewuaso Osiligi Center for safety and education. Emily has thrived and is doing well in school.