Multipurpose building


On November 7, 2023, we broke ground on a multipurpose building that will provide a permanent kitchen, indoor space for dining, vocational training facilities, a computer lab, and additional classrooms to meet the new requirements to maintain accreditation as a Junior Secondary School (middle school). In addition, the large dining space will serve as a place for the community to hold worship services. Scroll down for the latest updates.

Pictures below: Girls eating outside and temporary kitchen

Henry's Corner

Updates from the contractor

January 2024:  Happy New Year and welcome back to Henry’s corner as I take you through the new multipurpose project which commenced in November. By God’s grace we have accomplished much and now we are doing floor casting, walling and constructing columns. We anticipate doing the framework of the super structure within the next 2 weeks! I am grateful for the opportunity to once more to complete the construction.

February 2024:  It is another good opportunity that God has given us to give an update on the multipurpose hall! A lot has been done since my last communication and am happy to report that we are ahead of schedule! We have completed casting of the foundation and all the outer walls of the multipurpose hall. We are now beginning with form work and and sill installation. We may cast the super structure in less than 2 weeks!

March 2024: God is good he has brought us this far! We have just completed the super structure walling, columns and ring beams as shown in the photo above. Next week, we will begin the next steps of roofing. 

April 2024: Am glad once more to engage all of you at Henry's Corner. Just to update you on our progress, we are now fabricating trusses, steel doors, and steel windows as well as doing plastering. We have completed all mechanical and electrical pipe works and some civil works. We are glad to inform you that all materials are on site as we move progressive to the next step. We thank God for how far He has brought us!

Water Tower


In 2023, we completed construction of a water tower. Not only will it provide better water security during times of drought, but it also increases pressure in the water systems throughout the campus.


2022 - Early 2023

Following the generous donations during the fall 2021 fundraiser, we began construction on staff housing in early 2022 to help recruit and retain high quality staff in this remote location. This facility provides housing for up to nine teachers and their families. 



Ewuaso Osiligi School has 10 classrooms and can hold up to 240 students. The number of local students attending school continues to increase. The Kenyan Board of Directors and the American Board of Directors work together to ensure the best in every way for the children. We believe a Christ-based education of both boys and girls is essential in changing the cultural acceptance of female genital mutilation and forced early marriage. At Ewuaso Osiligi Center, the saving love of Jesus is paramount. 



The dormitory houses up to 120 girls. While first priority is given to rescued girls, Ewuaso Osiligi Center also accepts boarding students as a way to help make the school more sustainable.