REcent Newsletter articles

Kenyan Schools of Hope typically sends out a newsletter on a monthly basis with news from the Ewuaso Osiligi Center, stories about the rescued girls, and updates on construction projects. If you would like to receive these newsletters, please go to "Contact Us" and select "Keep me updated on Kenyan Schools of Hope progress."

For recent articles on how construction of the multipurpose building is progressing, please go to Construction Updates.


In 2020, Annie gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in her village at the age of 13. Soon after, she was married off to an older man in her community.

Not long after entering into her marriage, her husband became physically abusive. Fearing for her and her daughter's safety, she fled from the marriage and from the community. She sought out the help of the local chief, who facilitated her rescue and brought her to the rescue center. 

Annie now is in her sophomore year of high school, or "Form 2" as it is called in Kenya. She is thriving at the rescue center while her daughter is in the care of her mother in a nearby village. She is full of joy and hope, now that she lives in the safety of knowing she is no longer at risk of child marriage. 

April 2024


Samantha was rescued in 2018 and was among the first rescued girls at the rescue center.

As her father was unable to be at home, she was left in the care of her grandmother who, being old in age, struggled to care for her. When school fees became a challenge, her inconsistencies put her at risk of dropping out, and dropping out, in the Maasai community, would then put her at risk of FGM and child marriage. 

Fearing for her safety, she was ultimately brought to the rescue center.  Today, Samantha is thriving in school!  She loves to dance and enjoys having visitors at the rescue center and playing football. 

Now in eighth grade, she is preparing to continue her education into high school.  Her father is currently able to visit her often and is a committed parent. Samantha dreams of one day becoming a nurse and with her determination and efforts in school, we know she will go far!

March 2024

Farming Season

For the current growing season, unused farmland was offered by a parent who was grateful for the work being done by the rescue center. 

Deacon and one of the guards from the rescue center have volunteered to cultivate and plant maize in their free time. Not only will this be a huge blessing to the school, but it also shows amazing teamwork and dedication amongst the staff!

March 2024

FInal Emergency food distribution

On February 9th, the outreach team, led by Catherine Wangari, embarked on the final distribution of food for members of a nearby local village. This community has faced severe drought for over three years, resulting in the deaths of livestock and jeopardizing their livelihoods.  The community of Ewuaso has been greatly impacted by your generosity. Thank you for partnering with us! 

February 2024


Jacky was rescued in January 2024. She is seven years old, in second grade and was raised in rural Kenya. She has been under the care of her 80-year-old great grandmother, as her mother is unable to care for her. 

Jacky’s aunt had been trying to take care of Jackline together with her brother, her mother, the great grandmother and her own children, even while she was unemployed. With the heavy burden, Jacky was at risk of undergoing FGM and child marriage. 

Jacky is a very bright girl in school and is willing to learn. Her calmness stands out! So far, she enjoys playing with her peers in the center. She dreams of one day being a teacher.

Jacky is among the 18 girls who were recently rescued and brought to the rescue center. If you have been considering sponsoring a girl, now is the time! We are in need of 18 sponsors to cover the education and living expenses to provide safety, education and hope. 

education: A Path out of poverty & child labor

Josh is 11 yrs old and hails from Loita Hills. He is the first born in a family of four whose parents live in abject poverty and cannot afford to send them to school. He came to Ewuaso in 2022 and was employed to take care of livestock despite his tender age. Deep inside his heart, Joshua had the quest to pursue education just like other children whom he met every morning as they went to school while he did his chores. He was spotted on several occasions at the gates of our school gazing curiously at the activities of our pupils.

It was on one of these occasions that a community health promoter took note of him and decided to inquire more concerning Joshua. He narrated his desire to join school just like his fellow kids but because of poverty and lack of means, he was forced to child labor hence looking after the livestock of his master who lives just adjacent to our center.

The matter was brought to Catherine, the board chair, who was very compassionate of Joshua’s plea and brought the matter to the board for deliberation. The board was very positive and agreed to seek for his scholarship as a day scholar. God opened the door further as his master also agreed to allow him go to school while he resides with him.

Josh represents the many Maasai young boys who, because of poverty, are forced into child labor at the expense of their education. We are glad to welcome Josh back to school in tandem with our objectives (education for all)!

January 2024

Emergency FOOD Distributions

A few months ago, we shared about urgent needs that were increasing around the Ewuaso community where the rescue center is. Drought continues to be a pressing issue in the area and with that comes food insecurity. 

We shared the need here with you and we saw the Lord's hand provide, through your generous giving! $5,000 in emergency funds were sent to Kenya to purchase food to reach families that are currently struggling with real hunger.

With two days for distribution, your gifts provided for over 500 families. 500 families! We thank God for your generous giving and for every step that ensured that these families would be provided for. 

It was truly a team effort to make these distributions happen. Not only was the Kenyan board present, but a member from the American board was as well! The girls, teachers and staff assisted by helping pack the food supplies and preparing them to be distributed. 

And of course, none of this would be possible without your generous giving. This is just one way that your gifts make real impact in Kenya!

November 2023