In recent months, Kenya has been ravaged by devastating floods, wreaking havoc on infrastructure and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The relentless downpours have inundated homes, roads, and vital infrastructure, displacing thousands of people and disrupting socioeconomic activities across the nation. Ewuaso town where our rescue center is located, was not spared either.
These floods have not only rendered many homeless but have also had a profound impact on the livelihoods of countless individuals and communities. Agriculture, a cornerstone of Kenya's economy, has been particularly hard-hit, with crops destroyed and farmlands submerged under water. This has led to food shortages, loss of income, and increased vulnerability among already marginalized populations.
Moreover, the damage to roads, bridges, and other critical infrastructure has hampered transportation and access to essential services, exacerbating the already dire situation. Remote areas have been cut off from aid and emergency services, further compounding the challenges faced by those affected by the floods. This has also forced the Kenya government to close all schools and suspend learning indefinitely.
Please pray for relief from the flooding in Kenya.
May 2024